I'm bbaaaaacccckkkkk!
I have been without my computer for the last little bit so we will pretend that is why I haven't blogged. Sad side note....I lost everything on my computer. Three years worth of music, pictures, and all things pertaining to school. Yes, sad day indeed.
Well much has happened the last little/long bit! Another summer has come and gone much to my dismay. And what a summer it was. We sure had a funny group down in Virginia. I had to leave a little earlier than the rest of the sales team. When they heard it was my last day....well they kinda ambushed me....
I'm in the middle on the chair, and then they decided to "bar mitzvah" me...
Yes, they were an interesting (but super fun) bunch.
A round of applause may be in order as I drove the 40 hours home once again without getting a speeding ticket. It definitely helped that my brother, Kody, flew out to Virginia to help me drive home. But I was still proud.
We had quite the party to say goodbye to Summer. For the first time in many years, our entire family got together and partied like there was no tomorrow! We'd been planning this for the past year and not even Echo-no-wake-Lake was going to stop us. Some family friends gave us their cabin for the week down at Ashley and it was amazing!!

Yes, that is me!!! I was the only one that got up in the parasail this year. Amazing! Although there were a couple times I thought the wind was going to take me up and carry me off....

I remember loving to watch my dad and brothers ski. It was fun to have a course down at Ashley that the guys could hone their skills once more.

They had everything down at Ashley: ping pong, hot-tubbing, home theatre room, paddle boards, quads, crazy fun popcorn machine, not to mention the many water toys!

I love all my handsome brothers!

My mom was happier than a...well there is nothing that I can really compare it to. It was so great to have all the little ones around. Aren't they fabulous!

These are the three new babies this year. Johnny (5 weeks), Jonah (8 months), and little Samuel (about 9 days or so- Kennedy likes to make things exciting)!

We didn't get a chance to take a pic of all the electronics we had down there. Our family sure loves them Apple products! I believe we had something like 7 mac computers, 10 iPhones, 2 iPads, and 3 iPods. Ya life is good!
I am adjusting to being home bit by bit. School is already in full swing and running me off my feet. I had a scare with one of the guys that I have tutored for the last year and a half. We were in the middle of a session when he stopped mid-sentence and said, "Katie, you have ruined my life...." I kinda laughed awkwardly and apologized, having no idea what I was apologizing for. I thought he had been doing so well!!! I stuttered for a second, trying to think of something I could say, when he continued on with his thought. "...yes, you have ruined my life because before I met you, I was completely fine to get 50-60% in my classes. Now if I get something lower than an 80-85%, I am disappointed in myself. You have ruined my life!" Of all the ways I can ruin someone's life, that is one that I am ok with!
Life is good though. But it has definitely been interesting. I was visiting with an old friend the other day and told him some of my stories. After tears were streaming down both our faces he exclaimed that my life should be a movie....but then realized that even Hollywood couldn't come up with some of this stuff...!
So I am going to end this here but I need to say one more thing! I didn't get a chance to talk to my dear friend, Katelyn, yesterday when it was her birthday. So I would be remiss if I didn't get a chance to pay tribute to her right now. What an amazing friend she has been to me over the past..well lots of years! As I mentioned earlier, I have lost all my pictures from the past 3 years so these were stolen from facebook. Thank goodness my parents have copies so not all is lost!

We have had some good times together though! She has been there through it all! I was trying to find some cute friendship quotes but everything was too cliche. So just know that I absolutely adore you, Kate. And your cute little family too! We will need to do lunch soon!
SO happy your home! and SO want to come to lunch!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Katie. You definitely "ruined" my life too!
ReplyDeleteOh how I love thee! You are one of my favorite people in the whole world! And what a good looking family you have! I'm glad you had a great time in Virginia. Loved the bar mitzvah dance, that's fabulous. And I'm so sorry about your lost pictures, that is incredibly frustrating. I lost our brand new camera if that makes you feel any better:( Hence, no new posts for quite some time. You all need to make a trip down here to see me...I mean Kody:) I love you!! Say hi to everyone for me.
ReplyDeleteDidn't realize you blogged!! When you don' t for a long time people quit checkin". Great post though....lots of fun family memories. Love you!
ReplyDeleteYou guys look like you had a blast at your reunion. Love your family!
ReplyDeleteSo, I don't know where I've been since moving home, but it hasn't been blogland obviously! We have had so many good times. Let's get together SOON! Love you!