Sunday, February 6, 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On

How many have you seen this line of products that range from books to posters to shirts to almost anything you can imagine?

My new scripture journal is one such book. The original slogan was a poster produced by the British Government in 1939 during the beginning of World War II, intended to raise morale during difficult times (fun fact?). When I first saw it, I knew it was meant just for me. How perfect- Keep Calm and Carry On. It is meant to provides a sense of calm during uncertain times. I need a lot of that in my life. Especially lately it seems like.

But ya know what...! Sometimes being calm is really hard and it bites the big one. Sometimes it just sucks. Don't you ever feel like you need to just let it all go? Yesterday, I found this....

Talk about my describing my week to a flipping absolute Tee. Just one thing on top of one thing on top of a billion things on top of a kajillion messed up emotions. And it's true. Sometimes you just need to freak out and cry a little. It is good for the soul, I swear.

But it's a new week and I'm back to being cool, calm, and collected.


  1. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the new layout and banner! love love LOVE! loved that fun fact. and LOVED the second poster. but most of all, I love YOU!

  2. Oh Katie! I just love you. I second everything Leah said. It was nice to have a little post from you. Hopefully this week is a little less crazy.
