Tuesday, June 7, 2011

War Of The Roses....

So I know my last post was pretty pitsy, especially since it was so long over due. But this is one that has been on my mind for awhile. I found a radio station here in Virginia last summer that I loved listening to on my way to and from work. It's hilarious. And so real. They talk a lot about the differences between men and women and relationships and marriage and stuff. I know, weird that I would enjoy listening to something like that, what with all my commitment issues and everything. Every once in a while they do this thing called 'War of the Roses' where sadly 9 times out of 10 they catch a partner cheating (which probably doesn't help with my commitment issues any). But one day they brought up an interesting point. And by posting this, I am in no wise saying I agree with everything. But it got me thinking about a few things.

Licenses. We have to renew many of our licenses, whether it's a driving license, a hunting license, a dog license, a software license, a business license, etc. One license that we don't renew is our marriage license. Strange thought, I know. But what if we did? What if people had the choice of whether or not to renew their marriage license? If people had to renew their marriage license every four years or so, don't you think people would try a little harder? If one knew their spouse had the choice of whether or not to renew, wouldn't he/she pay more attention to the little things? Watch the tone of his/her voice? Communicate better? Show more appreciation? Work together? Express love more often? I don't know. I can definitely see a lot of negative repercussions that such an idea could bring, what with the world being the way it is these days. But still, I thought it was an peculiar but interesting idea that they brought forth. I don't know. I'm not saying it is a good plan. It just brought some things into perspective for me, and it has been on my mind back and forth over the past few days.



  1. ohhh interesting..... um guess what else would be interesting. ME AND YOU TALKING ON THE PHONE! CALLLLL MEEEEEE!!!!! miss you!

  2. Interesting thoughts.... Should I use it in my RS lesson next week on eternal families and marriage relationships???
    Love you , mom

  3. Never thought of that before. I think I'll ponder on that one. I miss you!
